[Best] 50 Motivational Suvichar in English

Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.
True wealth is celebrating the present moment.
Character is simply a habit long continued.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Whatever you cannot understand, you cannot possess.
Instead of cursing the darkness, be the one to light a candle.* (Instead of blaming the situation, take initiative to improve the situation.) 
Prayer is the voice of faith.
Hearing brings wisdom, speaking repentance.* 
“A man is great by his deeds, not by his birth.
“The mind will not remember what exactly happened. But the heart will always remember the feeling.”
“New Motivational English Thoughts”
“To succeed in your life, you have single-minded devotion to your goal.
“Help people even when you know they can't help back.”
Happiness is found in your heart, not in your circumstances.
“There is a child inside all of us, it comes out in front of the person we are most comfortable with.”
“Believe in yourself when everything seems to be wrong. Believe in tomorrow will be another day.”
“Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art.”
“Dreams, is not what you see in sleep, is the thing which never lets you sleep.
“Every next level of your life demands a stronger you.”
“Teachers can change lives with the right mix of chalk & challenges.”
“Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden & decorate your soul.”
Words may lie, but actions always tell the truth.
A smile can change the world & make it more bright.
Life is what we make it,
always has been, always will be.
You can never cross
the ocean until you have
the courage to lose sight of the shore.
An ounce of practice is more worth than tons of preaching.
Work is work,
but family is for life.
That’s what really matters to me.
Best way find yourself is to loose
yourself in the service of others.
A problem is a chance for you to do your best.
The two most important days in your life are-
The day you are born
and The day you find out why.
Everything is easy when we are busy,
nothing is easy when we are lazy.
Nothing is impossible,
the word itself says ‘I’m possible!

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